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Une chanson pour rendre hommage aux agents de santé qui se sont reconstitués en une armée dans la lutte contre la Covid19. Une armée Blanche qui s’exécute pour le bien être commun. Cette chanson exprimé également l’esprit de solidarité et la vision panafricaniste des chanteurs de plus de 11 pays Africains. Merci à Docteur RASHA…

Egypt confirms 931 new COVID-19 infections, 83,001 in total

Egypt confirmed on Monday 931 new COVID-19 infections, raising the total number of cases in the country since mid-February to 83,001, said the health ministry. It is the fifth consecutive day for the country’s daily COVID-19 infections to be below 1,000 since May 28. Meanwhile, 77 patients died from the virus, bringing the death toll…

AfDB partners on the agro-industry [Business Africa]

The African Development Bank AFDB in Nigeria recently met a private sector consortium from China to help attract investment Discussions centered on Chinese direct investments and partnerships with Nigerian agribusinesses as well as ventures with Nigerian state governments and agribusinesses in the development of agro-Industrial parks. The special special agro-Industrial processing zones could radically transform…

Africa COVID-19 stats: 578,307 cases; 12,989 deaths; 284,972 recoveries

There are now more than over 550,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus across the continent, with a number of African countries imposing a range of prevention and containment measures against the spread of the pandemic. According to the latest data by the John Hopkins University and Africa Center for Disease Control on COVID-19 in Africa, the breakdown remains fluid…

Nigeria Resumes Domestic Flights Amid Pandemic

Officials in Nigeria say domestic flights are now available for the first time since restrictions aimed at preventing the spread of the coronavirus began. Airports in the capital, Abuja, and its largest city, Lagos, reopened for flights Wednesday, with more airports resuming operations within a week. No date has been announced for international flights to…

Amadou Gon gone: Ivory Coast Prime Minister dead – Official

The Ivorian government has confirmed the death of Prime Minister Amadou Gon Coulibaly. He died at the age of 61 in the capital Abidjan. Multiple news sites including Jeune Afrique reported the death late Wednesday citing multiple official sources. The deceased returned home last week (July 2) after a two-month absence during which period he was receiving medical treatment…

د. رشا قلج : أكره العنصرية وأفتخر بإنتمائي للقارة السمراء

هى سيدة حفرت أسمها من ذهب فى لوحة شرف القارة الأفريقية فهى أول سيدة مصرية تحصل على لقب المرأة الأكثر نفوذاً وتأثيراً و إلهاماً في أفريقيا لعام 2019 من مجلة ” نيو أفريكان ” الأنجليزية كما أنها أول إمرأة تعمل على محاربة العنف النفسي والجسدي ضد السيدات العقيمات من خلال حملتها ” أكثر من مجرد…

Women occupy 30% of Burundi’s new cabinet

Women make up over thirty percent of Burundi’s new cabinet according to a government release issued over the weekend. President Evariste Ndayishimiye in a decree nominated a sixteen-member cabinet to help run government business. The cabinet is also inclusive of the Prime Minister Alain-Guillaume Bunyoni and Vice President Prosper Bazombanza. Portfolios handed to women include Justice, Labour,…