By Rédaction Africanews and Ndea Yoka
As the war in Ukraine has heightened the importance of Africa in international politics, US Vice President Kamala Harris has reaffirmed the US commitment to building a win-win partnership with African countries.
Paul Baker, CEO of International Economics Consulting, answered our questions in Business Africa.
After starting to drill several production wells in January as part of a mega oil project, Uganda expects to reduce its debt and increase its economic growth by 7%.
For Ugandan economist Julius Mukunda, the government’s forecast could impact the country’s massive debt.
French-speaking sub-Saharan Africa drives the economy
French-speaking sub-Saharan Africa remains the engine of African growth for the ninth consecutive year, according to a report by the CERMF (Centre d’étude et de réflexion sur le monde francophone).
An IMF study shows that French-speaking sub-Saharan Africa has posted an annual growth rate of 4.4% compared to 2.9% for non-French-speaking sub-Saharan Africa.