France: the right calls for denouncing the migration agreement with Algeria

By Rédaction Africanews with AFP

After the revision advocated by Edouard Philippe, the Republicans in the Assembly are calling for the unilateral denunciation of the Franco-Algerian agreement on immigration, and have tabled a motion for a resolution to this effect, we learned from the group on Wednesday. 

This proposal calls “for the denunciation, by the French authorities, of the Franco-Algerian agreement of December 27, 1968” , which creates a special status for Algerian nationals in terms of movement, residence and employment in France , has we said from the same source, confirming information from RMC and JDD.

Under the terms of this agreement, the Algerians benefit from advantages on certain points compared to other foreign nationals (in particular as regards family reunification ), on others they are losers (in particular for the students).

“These derogations form what could almost be described as an automatic right to immigration” , affirms the motion for a resolution, which considers that “no reason henceforth justifies that Algerian nationals benefit from such a legal status ” .

The authors of the resolution also deplore that the Algerian authorities have “not demonstrated their willingness to cooperate effectively” with France on the expulsions “by issuing consular passes” .

Judging that “the hypothesis of a simple renegotiation does not seem possible today” , the text written by the president of LR Éric Ciotti , its general secretary Annie Genevard and the boss of the deputies Olivier Marleix calls on the authorities “to denounce” this agreement unilaterally.

Already on Wednesday morning, Senate President LR Gérard Larcher had advocated “re-examining” the agreement concluded in the wake of the end of the Algerian war , saying on France Inter that “55 years later, the conditions have changed” .

The idea of ​​a revision, sea serpent on the right, was revived by former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe , himself an ex-LR.

“Maintaining such a system today with a country with which we have complicated relations no longer seems justified to me ,” he said in an interview with L’Express published on Monday.