More than 115, 000 people in Zimbabwe have now received their second jab of Covid-19 vaccine with more than 460 000 having had their first jab, local publication The Herald reported.
The report quoted the country’s Ministry of Health and Child Care, which said that as of yesterday 461,023 people had been vaccinated.
The daily rate for the second jab is increasing rapidly, reflecting the rapid rise in daily rates for the first jab a little over a month ago.
People get their second jab four weeks after the first.
President Mnangagwa, who received his second jab on April 22, is on record saying the vaccines were the best and safest measures to protect the nation from the deadly pandemic and to ensure the country can pursue Vision 2030.
“Vaccines are indeed a critical tool in the battle against Covid-19, and getting vaccinated is one of the best ways to protect oneself, others and our nation as a whole from the deadly pandemic,” the President said after receiving his second shot in Kwekwe.
“We continue to learn lessons from this unprecedented global pandemic.
“Every Zimbabwean is called upon to quickly adapt to the new normal and new realities, in order to ensure that we are able to achieve the milestones set out in the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1), as well as Vision 2030.”
Zimbabwe surpassed the 100 000 mark for the first dose during the first week of April, which is why it surpassed the same figure for the second dose in the first week of May four weeks later, the almost exact alignment of dates also shows that just about everyone who gets their first jab does return for the second on time.